City Hall Treasurer’s Office Now Open; Appointments Available for Other Departments

Today the City of York is pleased to announce that the Treasurer’s Office, the department responsible for the receipt of all revenue for the City of York, will resume in-person operations beginning June 22nd.

Abbreviated Large-Item Scheduling

Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays 9 Am - Noon

Large Item Pickup Service Resumes in The City of York

The City of York announces that large item pickup services will resume on Tuesday, June 16th, with a limited schedule.

Planning Commission Resumes Meeting Schedule

The York City Planning Commission announces that it will resume its regular meeting schedule beginning with the Monday, June 8 meeting at 6:30 PM.

Changes to Traffic Pattern in Light of Social Demonstration

Today the City of York announces changes to traffic patterns on Friday, June 5th to ensure the safe gathering of demonstrators during the evening’s planned demonstration.

Street Cleaning Enforcement Resumes on June 1

The City of York wishes to inform our residents and visitors that street cleaning enforcement will resume on Monday, June 1, 2020.

Changes to Traffic Patterns in Light of Social Demonstration and Ballot Collections

Today the City of York announces changes to traffic patterns on Tuesday, June 2nd to support the efficient collection of election ballots and to ensure the safe gathering of demonstrators during the evening’s planned demonstration.

Changes to 2020 Sidewalk Café Regulations and Open Container Considerations

In response to restrictions placed on restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic and Governor Wolf’s updated outdoor dining

Temporary Relocation of Voting Polls due to COVID-19 for the Upcoming June 2 Primary Election

Due to COVID-19 issues the County Board of Elections has temporarily relocated several of the YORK CITY POLLS to the FAIRGROUNDS and to the ASBURY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH. These relocations shall be TEMPORARY and shall only be for the upcoming June 2 Primary Election.

Parking to Resume Operations Beginning May 26, 2020

York City Parking will resume enforcement of the parking meters, parking lots, and operation of the parking garages located at 41 E. Market St., 25 W. Philadelphia St., and 15 W. King St. beginning Tuesday, May 26, 2020.

Neighborhood Supply and Demand Analysis Underway in The City of York

Mayor Michael Helfrich is proud to announce a partnership with eManagement Solutions to develop a neighborhood supplier capacity analysis.

Curbside Collections Delayed One Day (All Week) Following Memorial Day Holiday

Due to the Memorial Day holiday, Monday, May 25th, ALL regular curbside collections (trash, recycling, and yard waste) will be delayed one (1) day.

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