Due to the significant property damaged caused to the City of York’s Information Technology department on August 5<sup>th</sup>, York City Hall will remain closed on Friday, August 7<sup>th</sup>. We are actively working to assess and repair the damaged caused with the goal of restoring operations as soon as possible.
Due to a physical attack on the City of York's Information Technology infrastructure that occurred at approximately 9:00pm on August 5th, City Hall will be closed until further notice.
The City of York Police Department announces that its police outposts will be reopening on a limited basis starting Monday, August 3<sup>rd</sup>. These outposts will operate Monday through Friday from 12:30 p.m.to 3:30 p.m. with COVID-19 restrictions in place for individuals wanting to visit. These restrictions include masks, temperatures being taken, and occupancy limits.
Today, the City of York Department of Economic and Community Development releases a summary of their COVID-19 response from the beginning of the pandemic until today.
<p class="Default">On Tuesday evening, July 21<sup>st </sup>at 6:00 p.m., there will be a rally at Penn Park honoring the life and legacy of Lille Belle Allen. The group will walk on the sidewalks from Penn Park to the 100 block of N. Newberry St., where they will gather in remembrance of Ms. Allen.</p>
<p class="Default">On Sunday, July 19<sup>th</sup>, there will be a birthday/block party in the 500 block of Wilson Ct. As a result, a small portion of Wilson Ct. will be closed to vehicular traffic between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.</p>