Planning Commission Meeting to Be Held via Teleconference

Per updated guidelines concerning the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, the York City Planning Commission announces that its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, September 14, 2020, will be held via teleconference at 6:30 P.M.

Large Item Pickup Service to Resume with Modified Operations and Hours

On Monday, September 14<sup>th</sup>, the City of York will resume scheduling household items for pick-up using a modified procedure. Large item pick-up calls will be routed to a temporary phone number set up exclusively for this purpose. Large item pickup has been suspended since August 5<sup>th</sup>, following the attack on the City of York’s infrastructure.

City of York Bureau of Health to Release Daily COVID-19 Updates

<p class="paragraph"><span class="normaltextrun">As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the York community, the City of York’s response must also continue to adapt to meet the needs of our residents and combat the challenges presented by this public health crisis. Today we have released a new page on <a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">the City of York website</a> containing up-to-date COVID-19 daily and weekly metrics. This website update is a precursor to the release of a public-facing comprehensive COVID-19 dashboard anticipated to go live</span><span class="scxw196420943"> in the next few months</span><span class="normaltextrun">.</span></p>

Clean Sweep to Be Conducted

In response to recent events, the York City Police Department with assistance from the York County Sheriff's Department

No Street Sweeping on Labor Day

The City of York announces to residents and visitors that there will be no street sweeping on Monday, September 7<sup>th</sup>, in observance of Labor Day. The City of York will resume street sweeping operations the following day.

York City Human Relations Commission Notice of Monthly Meeting

The York City Human Relations Commission (YCHRC) will hold its remaining year 2020 regular monthly meetings on September 21, October 19, November 16, and December 21, at 7:00 p.m.

Temporary Road Closures Wednesday through Friday due to Road Repairs on North and South Pershing Avenue

View the road closures

Temporary Road Closures Wednesday and Thursday due to Road Repairs on S. Penn Street

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Parking Garages to Reopen Effective Monday, August 24

Following the recent damage to the city computer servers and consequent inoperability of the York City parking garages, the York City Parking Bureau will return the city parking garages to limited operation effective Monday, August 24, 2020. The hours of operation will be 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. At this time, only cash payments are able to be accepted. All hourly parking rates are posted at the garage entrances.

Annual York City Fire Department Awards and Ceremony & Memorial Service are Cancelled

After much consideration, the 2020 Annual York City Fire Department Memorial Service that was scheduled for Sunday, September 27, 2020, and the Annual York City Fire Department Awards Ceremony that was scheduled for Thursday, October 15, 2020, are cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Temporary Road Closures Wednesday and Thursday due to Road Repairs on S. Penn Street

View the road closures

York City Planning Commission Meeting to Be Held via Teleconference

Per updated guidelines concerning the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, the York City Planning Commission announces that its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, August 10, 2020 will be held via teleconference at 6:30 PM.

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