York City Police Department Announces Upcoming Press Conference

The York City Police Department would like to invite members of the media to attend a press conference at Stillmeadow Church (350 Chestnut St. York, PA 17401), on Tuesday, February 8, 2022, at 10:30 a.m.

City of York Is Seeking Proposals for The York City Special Events Coordinator

The City of York is currently seeking proposals from qualified organizations and/or contractors with established professional competence and experience to provide special events services.

City of York Installing Automated Payment Systems in Parking Garages

The City of York is launching Phase 2 of its parking system modernization program with the installation of automated pay station technology in the three downtown York parking garages.

Agreement Reached on Pending York City Wastewater System Sale

York City Mayor Michael Helfrich today issued the following statement regarding an agreement reached between the City, Pennsylvania-American Water Company, five suburban municipalities, the Office of Consumer Advocate (OCA), the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission’s Bureau of Investigation and Enforcement (I&E), the Office of Small Business Advocate (OSBA) and The York Water Company

CANCELED: Narcan Distribution Event on Tuesday, January 25 at City of York Bureau of Health

Out of an abundance of caution to protect our residents, the City of York Bureau of Health and York Opioid Collaborative has decided to cancel the monthly Narcan distribution event on Tuesday, January 25, 2022. We plan to continue the monthly events the 4th Tuesday of each month in February.

York City Historical Architectural Review Board Meeting Cancelled

Due to a lack of applications needing review, the York City Historical Architectural Review Board meeting scheduled for Thursday, January 27, 2022, at 6:00 PM at York City Hall is cancelled. The Board’s next regularly scheduled meeting is Thursday, February 10 at 6:00 PM.

York City & Republic Services Address Curbside Collections Delays with Winter Storms on Top of Staffing Challenges

Covid and stomach bug illness has been circulating since the holidays

Interior Property Inspections Temporarily Suspended

Due to the current upswing in COVID cases in our community and in consideration of the impact this is having on our health care system, the following policy is in effect:

Special Study of York Wastewater Treatment Plant

York Act 537 Special Study Plan has been prepared for the purchase of the York City WWTP, collection and conveyance system by Pennsylvania American Water Co. (PAWC). This special study is an administrative function that is required by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP).

Delayed Trash Collection – Friday Customers to Be Picked up Saturday

Due to the overnight snow and hazardous driving conditions, the City of York announces to curbside customers in the Friday pick up area that there will be no trash collection today, Friday, January 7th.

No Street Sweeping on Friday for Streets on Year-Round Schedule

In anticipation of snow accumulation and hazardous driving conditions

City of York Announces Change of Operations

Considering the recent rapid increase in COVID-19 caseloads

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