Free Workshops for Business Owners, “Accessing Business Capital”

The City of York’s Department of Economic and Community Development will be hosting a series of free workshops for small businesses and entrepreneurs at any stage.

York City Historical Architectural Review Board Meeting Cancelled

Due to no applications having been submitted for HARB review

Juneteenth City Event: “We Are Family”

With Juneteenth just around the corner, the City of York announces

City of York endorses naming of Codorus Creek Bank improvements to be the Governor Tom Wolf Codorus Greenway

The Mayor and City Council Members of York have issued a Joint Proclamation supporting and endorsing the future naming of the Codorus Greenway as the Governor Tom Wolf Codorus Greenway.

Traffic Advisories and Street Closings in The City of York

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York City Announces Plastic-Waste Free-Goal, New Sites Established in York City for Collecting Plastic Waste, Joint Press Conference to Be Held

The partnership between the City of York and CRDC is part of “The Bag That Builds” movement. Anyone can pick up green recycled plastic bags from CRDC, fill them with plastic waste, and now drop them off at five possible sites.

Splash Pad Temporarily Closed

The City hopes to have repairs completed by next weekend.

Traffic Advisories and Street Closings in The City of York

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York City Curbside Collections Delayed

Due to the Memorial Day holiday, Monday, May 29th, ALL regular curbside collections (trash, recycling, and yard waste) will be delayed one (1) day.

York City Fire Department Promotion Swearing in Ceremony

On Friday May 26, 2023, the City of York Department

One Hundred Forty Seventh Annual Memorial Service

On Sunday May 21, 2023, the City of York Department of Fire/Rescue Services

Traffic Advisories and Street Closings in The City of York

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