The following construction projects are scheduled the week beginning March11, 2024 and will affect traffic in the City of York. Pending weather or other unexpected events, the projects will affect the indicated roads
The 38th Annual York Saint Patrick’s Day Parade will be held on Saturday, March 16, 2024. Please be advised this will impact parking along the parade route on Market Street.
Weather permitting, York City curbside customers may begin to place yard waste at their designated pick-up point for collection on their normal recycling day, beginning Monday, March 4th.
All curbside collections for Tuesday 2/13/24 have been cancelled in York City. All items placed out for collection should be immediately pulled back, so they do not become frozen to the ground or snow covered.
On Wednesday February 7, 2024, at 0611hours, the City of York Department of Fire/Rescue Services was dispatched to 47 Columbia Ave. for a structure fire.
On Saturday, February 17, N George St. will be closed to traffic from Philadelphia St. to North St. So will the sidewalk on the west side of George St. in that area. This is to accommodate a crane lift to the KBG law firm building. Travelers can still take either Beaver St. or Duke St., which run parallel to George St.
On Saturday, February 17, N George St. will be closed to traffic from Philadelphia St. to North St. So will the sidewalk on the west side of George St. in that area.
The following construction projects are scheduled the week beginning January 22, 2024 and will affect traffic in the City of York. Pending weather or other unexpected events, the projects will affect the indicated roads