Christmas Tree Collections in York City

Trees must be placed at the regular pick-up point by 6 a.m. on your designated collection days.



Traffic Advisories and Street Closings in The City of York

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Traffic Advisories and Street Closings in The City of York

View advisories and closings

Survey Regarding York City Special Events

The City of York wants residents, businesses, and visitors of the City to be aware of a survey being distributed by York City Special Events.

Move with The Mayor Vaccination Campaign

Mayor Michael Helfrich today issued the following statement: “’When we’re protected, our community is stronger.

Final Leaf Pick-Up Schedule

The final pick-up for leaves in the City residential areas will begin on Monday, December 19, 2022.

2nd Annual Santa Drive, 1st Annual Letters for Santa

The York City Police Department will be hosting its 2nd annual “Santa Drive” throughout York City on Friday, December 16th from 6pm until 8pm

Traffic Advisories and Street Closings in The City of York

View advisories and closings

Snow Removal Policy for Businesses

As we begin the winter season of 2022-2023, the City of York snow emergency team wants to remind businesses of some of the York City Snow Emergency Regulations Specifically, as they apply to plowing of private parking lots and the disposal of snow. These regulations have been enacted for the safety and protection of the driving public as well as residential, business, and industrial citizens in York City.

Snow Emergency Routes

Residents should listen to local radio and television stations or log on to the City's website for announcements of a snow emergency.

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