The City of York’s contract for removing and disposing of residential and commercial refuse is set to expire at the end of April 2025. The City is working to ensure uninterrupted service on May 1, 2025, while seeking the best price and customer service.
Working since July of 2024, the York City Public Works Department has attempted to seek proposals three times. Due to the nature of hauling refuse in all cities, such as navigating alleyways and traffic, hauling cans and bags between parked cars, and the huge amount of waste that must be collected, finding a garbage hauler to service a city has been challenging. Ultimately, after three attempts, the City of York received only one bid. The bid from Goods Disposal Service plus our cost-saving measure of bringing some services in-house is $4,376,405, an increase of $1.745 million for the first year, or 66% over our current contract.
Facing the dilemma of greatly increased expenses for residents and businesses, the City of York has sought to find a way to reduce this increase by rebidding a contract for the City’s dumpsters, and of much more importance, bringing the emptying of street garbage containers and our large item pickup process in-house. Customer service will be greatly improved with City of York staff trained and dedicated specifically to these tasks. There will be no more difficulty in scheduling large item pickup with a third party, and our public containers can be attended to directly after events, eliminating the issue of weekends where the cans are overflowing.
While some smaller costs are still being worked on, our best estimates of cost increases are an additional $18.14 per month for residential units, and $36.28 per month for commercial customers. We wish this were not the case, but we must have trash services, and we must have them by May 1st. This was the absolute best deal that we could negotiate for our City.