York City Redevelopment Authority to begin highlighting redevelopment opportunities to reduce blight and increase homeownership

The York City Redevelopment Authority (RDA) will begin hosting open houses for select RDA-owned properties beginning Sunday. The first open house will be held for the property located at 115 Rathton Road, this Sunday, April 18 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Additional information on the property acquisition process will be provided during the open house. Additional details and dates are outlined below. For more information, email the RDA Specialist, Sharee McFadden, at smcfadden@yorkcity.org.
Open House* Dates:
- April 18, 2021 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
- April 25, 2021 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
- May 2, 2021 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
*All individuals attending open houses must have valid i.d. and complete waivers of liability upon entering. Waivers will be provided on site.
Applications for proposals will be provided after viewing the property.
Proposals will be reviewed by staff and approved during the May 2021 Redevelopment Authority Board Meeting
For more information on the RDA Acquisition Process, CLICK HERE
For additional property photos, CLICK HERE
The Redevelopment Authority of the City of York (RDA) is tasked with eliminating blighted properties in the city of York. Their purpose is to demolish or renovate properties in order to restore them so that (a) they comply with building codes and are no longer a blighting influence in their neighborhoods, (b) they again become economic assets which contribute to the City’s tax base and (c) that they advance the City’s plan for the appropriate development and use of the neighborhood involved.
The staff of the City of York’s Department Economic and Community Development oversee and administers daily RDA activities. The role of the RDA is to responsibly maintain and market its residential, commercial and mixed-use development properties in the City of York. They aim for responsible redevelopments to not only increase the City tax base, but to support community and economic development in all city neighborhoods. The RDA is audited annually as part of the City of York’s annual audit and the financial reports and board meeting minutes are part of public record.