Today the City of York announces a public input session to inform the public on details surrounding the proposed sale of the wastewater system and hear comments from the public on the proposed sale.
WHO: City of York officials and partners will be joined by representatives from the Pennsylvania Economy League and Pennsylvania-American Water Company.
WHAT: Officials will define and lay out the history and current status of the City’s wastewater system. Viewers will also hear a presentation from representatives from Pennsylvania Economy League, the City’s financial consultant on the proposed use of funds from a proposed sale, as well as representatives from Pennsylvania-American Water Company, the proposed purchaser of the wastewater system.
A public comment session will follow.
WHEN: There will be two public input sessions on Thursday, January 14th at 12:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
HOW TO WATCH: Viewers may view these events on the City of York’s Facebook page or Comcast Cable Channel 18.
HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Residents and customers may participate using the Zoom call in information below. Individuals wishing to ask questions may also email with questions leading up to the event which may be answered via email or at the public input session.
For public view only link, click this link:
Passcode: 543212
For public call-in number:
Dial: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 301 715 8592
Webinar ID: 988 0435 1062
Passcode: 54321
To request to comment during the meeting, you must press *9 to “Raise your hand.” When recognized, press *6 to unmute/mute your microphone. Zoom will also remind you to press *6 after you are recognized to speak. Also, those watching in Zoom may use the “Raise Hand” feature to indicate you request to comment.
Individuals wishing to ask questions may also email with questions leading up to the event which may be answered via email or at the public input session.