Construction Projects Scheduled October 9


The following construction projects are scheduled for the week beginning October 9 and will affect traffic in the City of York. Pending weather or other unexpected events, the projects will affect the indicated roads during certain hours:

Single Lane: Rathton Road between South Queen Street and Irving Road.

Road Closures:   Oak Lane between West College Avenue and Kings Mill Road.

Kings Mill Road between South Pershing Avenue and Manor Street.

West Church Avenue between Oak Lane and South Pershing Avenue.





Los siguientes proyectos de construcción están programados para la semana que comienza el 9 de octubre y afectarán el tráfico en la ciudad de York. En función de las condiciones meteorológicas u otros imprevistos, los proyectos afectarán a las vías indicadas durante determinadas horas:

Carril único: Rathton Road entre South Queen Street e Irving Road.

Cierres de carreteras: Oak Lane entre West College Avenue y Kings Mill Road.

Kings Mill Road entre South Pershing Avenue y Manor Street.

West Church Avenue entre Oak Lane y South Pershing Avenue.

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