Office Hours
Monday through Thursday, 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM
101 South George Street, York, PA 17401
What To Do When Trash Is Not Collected
The City of York’s Public Works Department is responsible for addressing concerns related to curbside collections involving the Collection Hauler and its employees/crews.
To report a missed collection please use the link provided above to access the form.
Why was my trash not collected?
Here are some examples as to why your trash was not collected.
- Were the items at the pick-up point? (edge of curb or alley)
- Were the items out by 6:00 AM?
- Collection occurs between 6:00 AM & 9:00 PM
- Is it in a trash can/bag sold specifically for trash?
- Is can/bag within 32-gallon and 40-pound limits?
- NO contractor bags, crates, boxes, grocery bags, etc. are permitted.
- Is everything below the rim of the can?
- Were you within limit of 6 cans/bags (or other) per household?
After submitting the missed trash collection information here is what you should Do:
- Leave items at your pickup location (front, side, rear).
- The hauler has 24 hours to return to the location to pick up the missed collections.
What to Do if after submitting your concern and your trash still remains on-site after the 24-hour waiting period?
- Submit a 2nd request.
- Email: refuserecycling@yorkcity.org
Additional Information
What Equals a “Unit of Trash”
Unit of Trash — Limit 6/Household per Collection
- Each can or bag of trash (max: 32 gallons and 40 pounds) Small amounts of construction material by individual residential units is allowed if prepared to weight/size limits (not for contracted work).
- Each bundle of “building wood/lumber” (not broken-down furniture) (max: 3 feet long; 40 pounds; securely bundled with twine)
- Each Tire at Residential Units only (Limit 2 tires per collection; Passenger vehicle tires only; must be OFF the rim; tires on the rim must be scheduled for large item pick up (Residential Units Only and limit 2 tires).
- Each Christmas tree replaces one (1) unit (bag) of trash.
What May Be Placed in Normal Trash?
Collected Twice per Week; Up To 6 “Units of Trash”)
- Normal “household” trash
- Small “household” items that completely fit in a bag/can below the rim (max: 32 gals and 40 pounds)
- Grass (this is excluded from yard waste and is considered trash; or let clipping lie to return nutrients)
- Soiled items (i.e. newspaper used for painting, or used for cat litter box or bird cage, greasy pizza box)
- Sealed cans of paint and paint products (in SMALL quantities; add cat litter to dry it; NO 5-gal buckets)
- SHARPS/needles (all must be sealed in thick plastic bottle with lid taped and marked “Sharps”), wrapped broken glass items in newspaper and/or paper bags before placing in normal trash bags.
- During the winter months (December through February), yard waste and leaves may be included with normal trash. However, during the yard waste program (March 1 – November 30), these materials must be kept separate and placed for yard waste collection on the first collection in each refuse area.
What Will Not Be Collected in Normal Trash?
- No Household Hazardous Wastes/Chemicals
- No loose Sharps/Needles
- No items that exceed the size and weight limits of trash can/bag
- No Televisions, no Computers or anything that plugs into a computer (As of January 2013, PA State mandated these items must be taken to an Electronics Recycling Program. York County Solid Waste Authority operates a drop-off program Mon-Fri 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM and Sat 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM weekly for all York County RESIDENTS. Items must be dropped off by residents.